Wednesday, July 3, 2013

p2p file sharing

File sharing is a network that allows us to share files and information with others. By giving others the permission to access the information we have stored it allows us to "file share".  File sharing can also be physical objects such as floppy disks and portable hard drives, but now we can use something completely digital to store and share information. The things we can share range from pictures, documents to music and etc.
P2P file sharing means peer to peer. This means that there is a network which allows people to upload share and download files with pretty much everyone that has access. This type of file sharing allows delinquency such as piracy to occur very easily. "Because of widely available broadband access and a new wave of streaming sites, it has become surprisingly easy to watch pirated video online" as said by Brian Stelter in his article Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios.
Examples of file sharing are limewire which has been shut down for a while now, kazaa,


Privacy, as related to new media is a very touchy subject. The importance of privacy to us is very high. New media gives us the freedom to express ourselves, and to be able to show our opinions in many ways. But it also takes some of our privacy. Before new media, for someone to breach your privacy they had to have some sort of physical connection with you, now they can breach your privacy through the new media tools that we often use. For example, we often post videos on youtube, comments on facebook and pictures on instagram that can easily be used by someone else, for good or bad who knows, but they are accessible by others. Our information, our every day activities are on these new media tools and they can easily be used by others to breach our privacy. The funny thing is, we do not care, because we continue to use new media like social networks and continue to put out all of our information without caring of the consequences