The project I will be doing will be Social Networking:
better or worse than the real thing? I will be discussing how social network
has evolved and how it affects us. The way we communicate, the way we interact
with each other. Also, how this affects the way we live. I will point out the
pros and cons of social networking and how it can make our social experience
better or worse. I will give my personal opinion and also provide facts and
research regarding this subject matter.
You definitely chose a great topic. Social Networks have become such a big part of our everyday life. Although I do use social sites I think their are many cons and that these sites have an effect on people mentally and emotionally depending on how they use them and how seriously they feed into what other people post. I was just having this convo with my friend the other day about how you never really know the truth about a person 9r their situation just by the pics or posts they put up. Unless u have the real life in front of u...dont believe everything you see or read.